Implementation of the 5S method within the CCAA

Published: Monday, 06 July 2020 14:00

An awareness campaign on the practice of this approach has been underway for some time at the Cameroon Civil Aviation Authority (CCAA) to improve the functioning and efficiency of the institution's activities.

It consists in theoretical training of staff on the 5S/KAIZEN principles through presentations on the one hand, the conduct of practical activities with the staff to better illustrate the principles of this technique and the development of action plans for the continuous monitoring and implementation of the KAIZEN method in their respective work spaces.

Within the CCAA, the first step in this awareness campaign consisted of the display of posters at offices and corridors.

The content of the messages being, to maintain a healthy and comfortable environment. It was meant to capture everyone's attention and edify them through illustrations on the importance of proper filing, allocating the workspace for quick and easy retrieval of documents when the time comes.

Clearly, improved organization of the work environment contributes to good productivity.

Given that it is a question of developing good daily work habits so that tools and workstations are always ready for healthy use, the second step is to go around the offices to check that instructions are being followed.

This second phase of awareness raising is being carried out by the quality department officers. They tour the departments and offices to see the progress made and hand each officer a small operational guide for the process.

The third phase will be devoted to a final evaluation of the various changes. KAIZEN is a management model developed by the Japanese industry, which can be defined as a continuous improvement process based on concrete, simple actions.

 The 5S method takes its name from the first letter of each of five operations, each of which is a set of simple rules or principles:

-Seiri: Delete the unnecessary;

-Seiton (order): to put things in their proper place;

-Seiso (cleaning): (make) sparkle;

-Seiketsu (clean): to standardize the rules;

-Shitsuke (teaching): Follow and progress.

This is one more approach whose benefits will improve the working environment within the company, and in turn encourage the increase of the CCAA's productivity.