Management of risk (security ans assurance) in the civil aviation

Published: Thursday, 16 April 2015 12:32


In an effort to put in place a progressive working plan in Cameroon in order to ameliorate security and uncertainties in the civil aviation, a training workshop was organized to train probationers for this purpose. The training lasted for five (5) days; from 23 till 27 March 2015 at the Bloc Technique of ASECNA.


It all started with a welcome speech from one of the participants to mark the end of their workshop. It was also an opportunity for them to thank the Director General of CCAA for making it possible for them to receive a good training from the instructors who in return provided them with adequate and satisfactory skills and knowledge in order to get rid of insecurity in the civil aviation. On the other hand and on the behalf of the Director General, his representative congratulated the participants on their great satisfaction in regards to the training and giving future promises for other training workshop in order to ameliorate risk in the civil aviation. The participants who took part in the workshop were made up of police, gendarme and customs officials and administrators from the CCAA. 

The training was chaired by 2 experts from Aviation security (AVSEC); Mr. Diop from Mali and Mr. Dadie from Ivory Coast respectively. During the training, 3 main points were highlighted in order to ameliorate uncertainties and security in the civil aviation namely; risk, threats and vulnerability where, risk to fight against attacks and the consequences of these attacks depend not only on natural factors but also on threats and the physical handicap (vulnerability) of the system. 

Consequently, the trainees were able to identify, evaluate and reduce uncertainty and improve upon the awareness of security in the civil aviation and finally channel their information to the right source for a rapid follow-up.

It is important to note that Cameroon is privileged to be the second promotion to benefit from the environmental threats and security training program and definitely, 2 other workshops shall be organized on the theme, management of crises (security/certainty) in the civil aviation still in Yaoundé- Nsimalen at Bloc Technique of ASECNA from the 13 to 17 and 20 to 24 April 2015 which shall be chaired  by instructors  from AVSEC of the ICAO namely John Kakou of Ivory Coast and Desiré Adonko  of Togo

The training successfully came to an end with trainees offering traditional wears to their trainers as souvenirs for their loyalty and in return, rewards of 

appreciations and successes were given to the trainees from their 2 trainers

SIAWAH MASSODA MELANIE/Probationer, Dept of Communication CCAA